Quick start

Enable plugin for your editor

  1. Go to VSCode extensions
  2. Search for “IWE” and click install or to go the extension page

After this, the extension should be enabled for Markdown files. It will load the contents of the directory and build a documents graph.

How to use

  • Code Actions menu (+.) to see available options for the current element
  • Go to Definition (F12) on a link to open the linked file
  • Format Document command (Shift+Option+F) to restructure/format the document
  • Rename command (F2) on a link will rename the file and update all the references
  • Global notes search (+T) using the headers text

Please provide your feedback in VSCode intergration GitHub discussion.

  1. Download IWE binaries from GitHub or follow the installation instructions here to use a package manager.

  2. To enable IWE LSP for markdown files in VIM, you need to ensure that the iwes binary is in your path and add this to your config:

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('FileType', {
  pattern = 'markdown',
  callback = function(args)
      name = 'iwes',
      cmd = {'iwes'},
      root_dir = vim.fs.root(args.buf, {'.iwe' }),
      flags = {
        debounce_text_changes = 500

See additional recommendations for Neovim here.

  1. Go to Zed - Extensions in the main menu
  2. Search for “IWE” and click install

After this, the extension should be enabled for Markdown files. It will load the contents of the current directory.

How to use

  • Code Actions menu (+.) to see available options for the current element
  • Go to Definition (F12) on a link to open the linked file
  • Format Document command (Shift+Option+F) to restructure/format the document
  • Rename command (F2) on a link will rename the file and update all the references
  • Global notes search (+T) using the headers text

Please prorivide your feedback in Zed intregration discussion on GitHub.

  1. Download IWE binaries from GitHub or follow the installation instructions here to use a package manager.
  2. Add IWE to your languages.toml (usually in ~/.config/helix, create the file if needed):
command = "iwes"

name = "markdown"
language-servers = [ "iwe" ] # you might want more LSPs in here
auto-format = true # optional, enable format-on-save

(Optional, but highly recommended) Add this to your config to enable inlay hints:

display-inlay-hints = true

Then run:

hx --health markdown

To see configured language servers.

Please prorivide your feedback in Helix intregration discussion on GitHub.

Under construction. Not tested with Emacs. Help needed.


And help us to make it better with your feedback!

More details are available on the project wiki.